There’s no denying it: cats spend a lot of time napping. Many Memphis cat owners wonder whether their feline friend’s excessive snoozing calls for emergency veterinary care.

Is there a time when taking sleep is a sign that something more serious is going on with your health? Cats spend a good portion of the day sleeping since it is a natural part of their lifestyle. It is necessary for wild cats to rest so that they can go out and expend a lot of energy catching and killing their next food.

The impulse to sleep and rest up for the hunt persists even if house cats no longer have to actively pursue prey. Deep sleep is not necessarily the norm for cats. Cats, like humans, spend a lot of time sleeping. About three-quarters of your cat’s sleeping time is spent in a light sleep stage, while the other quarter is spent in a profound sleep stage.

Cats receive the rest they need while remaining attentive during brief snoozes. You may notice that your cat’s eyes are half-open or that its ears still twitch and twist in response to stimuli even when it is soundly asleep.

How much sleep is normal for the kittens? 

Why Is My Kitten Sleeping All Day, Should I Worry: Guide

If you’ve just brought a kitten into your house, keep in mind that the rule of thumb is the more sleep the cat needs, the younger it is. Most of a newborn kitten’s day is spent sleeping—up to almost 22 hours! Kittens sleep less as they get older, but even at six months old, they still snooze away 16-20 hours a day.

While it may seem like your new kitten is soundly asleep, his body is really busy repairing itself. These naps are crucial to the maturation of his brain and neurological system.

Kittens’ agility and elegance come from their toned and strengthened muscles and bones from all those hours spent sleeping. Even your kitten’s immune system benefits from a good night’s sleep. Your kitten’s temperament may worsen, and she may even get sick if she doesn’t get enough rest.

Evolutionary psychology can also explain why kittens seem to slumber indefinitely. Your cute little kitten’s ancestors were savages of the African plains, where they slept for most of the day and only went hunting at night to preserve energy. This is still reflected in your kitten’s napping habits. Young Wildcats were able to remain hidden and unharmed in their dens because they slept much of the day.

Why kittens sleep a lot? 

Housecats often have a very comfortable existence. They have constant access to food, care, and rest, and they don’t have to worry about finding it on their own. Maybe it’s too much to take in all at once. If your cat spends the day snoozing, you need not worry. It’s perfectly natural, and it serves as a helpful reminder that we all need to start getting more shut-eye.

Cats spend much of the day sleeping, usually in a warm, sunny area or on their owners’ laps while they are at work. While some studies have shown that cats sleep as little as 10 hours per day, others have found that they may sleep for as long as 20 hours per day, the average being somewhere between 12 and 15 hours.

But don’t judge a book by its cover. Pankratz suggests your cat may have been awake for some or all of that time. Molly DeVoss, who runs the non-profit Cat Behavior Solutions and is a certified feline training and behavior consultant, tells Inverse, “Unlike humans, [cats] acquire that sleep in the form of small ‘cat naps’ throughout the day; they normally don’t sleep in huge chunks of time.”

Whereas it is recommended that adults obtain 7 to 8 hours of sleep every night, a cat’s sleep duration might vary greatly based on its age and its living conditions. Forty percent of a farm cat’s time is spent sleeping, and it’s mainly at night, according to research done in 1981. At work, they slept 22% of the time. And research from 2007 indicates that shelter cats spend just 11% of their time napping while being kept in cages.

Why your cat is sleeping more than usual? 

Does your cat seem to be sleeping longer or more soundly than usual? Twelve to sixteen hours a day of sleep is normal for a cat. For mature cats and kittens, that time increases to 20 hours. While every feline is unique, you should expect your cat to spend around two-thirds of its life resting or napping.

To put it mildly, cats do a lot of sleeping. However, if your cat’s sleeping habits alter, it may be an indication that he or she needs medical treatment. How long does your cat sleep, exactly? The following are some of the potential causes for your cat to be sleeping more than normal.

1. Take a cat nap

If you believe your cat sleeps too long, keep in mind that over 75% of that time isn’t really spent in a deep sleep condition.

Your cat or other pet will take short naps of 15 to 30 minutes throughout the day to save energy in case of an unexpected encounter with food, prey, or a potential danger. She may seem like she’s napping, but when she detects a sudden movement, your cat will be ready to jump into action and give in pursuit.

2. boredom

Cats may sleep for even longer than their typical 12-16 hours if they are bored or under a lot of stress. When you leave your cat at home while you go to work, he will probably spend most of his time sleeping. In order to keep your cat from being bored, it is recommended that you provide a more interesting atmosphere at home. A scratching post and some playthings will keep him entertained. Spend at least 10 minutes a day playing with your cat.

3. Vitamin Deficiency and Overweight

Your cat probably naps a lot because he or she is overweight. Cats may become overweight for a number of reasons, including but not limited to overfeeding and insufficient activity. A typical cat needs three or four little meals each day. Get him on a diet high in protein and low in fat.

Some cats are more prone to gain weight if they are left alone for long periods of time with access to an unlimited supply of food. In the event that you must be away for extended periods of time, portion-controlled feeders may be used to prevent your cat from becoming overweight. Make sure to provide your indoor cat with lots of exercise opportunities. As an example, you might teach your cat to walk on a leash or give him some playthings he can engage with.

4. Age

Your cat’s sleeping habits will certainly improve as he ages. An elderly cat may sleep for as much as 18 to 20 hours a day. However, while awake, they always followed the same pattern, which included roaming, searching for food, and vying for attention before falling asleep again.

If you’re worried about him, it’s best to talk to him and see how he acts while he’s awake. If his lethargy persists, it may be indicative of a more serious medical problem, so take him to the vet.

5. Feline Depression

Depression in your cat is possible if the oversleeping is accompanied by other symptoms, including a lack of food, avoidance, and other odd behavior. However, it’s important to note that feline sadness is distinct from clinical depression in people.

Such a disorder would manifest itself with symptoms like those described above. It’s recommended to take your cat to the vet in such a situation so that they may run diagnostic tests to figure out what’s wrong.

6. Weather

It’s possible that the weather is to blame for the unusual amount of time cats spend napping. It’s no surprise that cats take longer, more frequent naps in the cold and rainy months. A cat’s sleeping patterns would be affected by the ambient light level as well.

7. Infection by Viruses or Bacteria

Common viral and bacterial diseases might cause a cat to sleep more than usual. Food poisoning, animal or cat bites, and close contact are all potential entry points for viruses and germs.

Feline herpes virus, feline leukemia virus, feline distemper virus, feline calicivirus, etc., are all examples of common viruses that may infect cats. Common bacteria that may infect cats include salmonella, e. coli, bordetella, helicobacter, streptococcus, leptospirosis, clostridia, and more.

Symptoms of bacterial and viral illnesses, such as fatigue and lethargy, sometimes occur in conjunction with other symptoms, such as discharge from the eyes or nose, diarrhea or loss of appetite, fever, weight loss, lack of interest in grooming, and respiratory infections, among others. See a vet ASAP if your cat displays similar worrying signs.

8. Arthritis

Joint pain and swelling are symptoms of arthritis and other forms of degenerative joint disease. Cats of advanced age would be more vulnerable to this illness. The movement would be difficult, if not unpleasant, due to arthritis, making it desirable to lie in a warm, pain-free bed instead.

9. Diabetic Diseases

Cats are more susceptible to diabetes than you may assume. Lethargy, appetite loss, weight loss, vomiting, and dehydration are all signs that a cat’s blood sugar or glucose levels are out of whack. Consult your veterinarian for advice on making the necessary dietary changes.

10. Poisoning

Toxic plants and chemicals are a concern, particularly to cats that commonly prowl outside. Consider the likelihood that your cat has been exposed to poison if he sleeps for much longer than normal. Signs that your cat has been poisoned include vomiting, diarrhea, pale gums, trouble breathing, and the appearance of blood in the stool or vomit. Take him to the vet right away if he shows any of these signs.

Do kittens sleep through night? 

Kittens spend the first several months of their existence sleeping for about 18-20 hours a day. To develop normally and physically, they need restful sleep. This highlights the significance of selecting a comfortable sleeping environment.

Kittens need a warm, safe place to sleep at night where they will feel secure and where you can keep an eye on them. Your kitty has the option of sleeping with you on a kitty bed or in a separate room. So, to put it simply, yes. Here comes the protracted explanation.

Kittens cry when separated from their mothers and siblings in a strange setting. Particularly challenging is doing so at night when they are used to sleeping close together. That’s why many felines go into hiding if you don’t provide them with a safe spot to sleep, and it’s up to you to coax them out. Make sure your kitten has a safe and secure place to sleep the first night, ideally in a cat-proof room with a warm, soft blanket and no drafts.

Naturally, you may also keep your cat in your room if you choose. Some kittens form strong attachments very fast, and being around people helps them feel less alone. In addition, it will assist in the development of a deep relationship between you and your pet. However, if the cat is still too nervous around you, it’s better to allow it a few days to adjust to its new home and smell. There will be no sleep for either of you if the cat is up all night.

Some experts suggest bringing a familiar item from your kitten’s previous environment, such as a blanket or a toy, to ease the adjustment. A cat’s sense of smell is quite powerful, and if it detects a familiar aroma, it may feel better.

How to change your cat’s sleeping routine?

Do you think you may have a cat? Do you hear it scurrying about the room at night? It’s possible that your cat is more active at night, especially if you have trouble sleeping. Although some felines are more active at night than others, this is to be expected, given that cats are nocturnal by nature.

There will be no immediate change in your cat’s sleeping habits just because you’ve brought her inside and provided her with plenty of food. Perhaps her nocturnal tendencies will win out. A nocturnal cat’s routine and habits might be altered gradually over time, or you can learn to accept your cat’s nocturnal tendencies.

Spend some time each day or night playing with your cat. A cat that sleeps throughout the day should be gently roused and encouraged to play. When you can’t be there to play with her, keep her entertained and alert with interactive toys. 

The mental health of your cat will benefit from supervised outside time throughout the day. Don’t pay any attention to what happens at night. Your cat will want to pay more if you respond to her since this will give her the attention she craves.

The Importance of Bedroom Silence Even if you succeed in altering your cat’s behavior, you’ll still need to find a way to work with it. Adapting to the new play schedule may require some time and effort on your part, so you may need to modify some of your routines as well. Keep all cat toys outside of the bedroom to set the tone that it is not a play area.

Cats may also find rolled-up socks and paper scraps to be entertaining, so remove these and any other possible “toys” from home. Close the door to your bedroom when you go to sleep. If you have trouble sleeping through any kind of noise, you may want to invest in a fan or a sound machine.

If you don’t want to be disturbed as much by the noise, designate a location or room that is separate from your bedroom as the play area. Cats have a natural propensity towards nighttime activities. Therefore it may take some time for them to shift their routines, while other cats may adapt fast. Having patience with your cat will make your life much better.

Warning signs that can mean your kitten is sick?

Cats are typically independent creatures. Therefore they will likely hide any signs of illness from their owners. When cats are sick, they may also go into hiding. This behavior might be a holdover from their large cat ancestors, who had to stay hidden from potential predators when they were sick. But there are symptoms to look out for that may signal your cat has a health problem.

1. Lack of or excessive coat grooming

Your cat’s coat condition may disclose a lot about its health. When a cat stops grooming or starts grooming excessively, or when it starts losing more hair than normal, it might be a sign of a health problem. Cats with illnesses sometimes neglect their fur maintenance because they are too exhausted or unpleasant to continue doing it. They risk having their fur get dull, greasy, tangled, or matted if they don’t maintain it properly.

Cats that groom excessively may develop bald patches or raw, itchy skin. This behavior may indicate an allergic response or one of many other frequent health issues in cats. Over-grooming is a common symptom of anxiety and vice versa.

Anxiety in cats is common when there is a change in the cat’s routine or when a new companion is introduced. Consult your vet if your cat exhibits signs of anxiety. Sometimes medicine or other therapies are more effective than simply giving your cat more time to acclimate.

Over-grooming is a common symptom of anxiety and vice versa. Changes in the cat’s routine or the introduction of a new companion are two examples of the kinds of stressful events that might trigger anxiety in felines. Anxious feline? Consult your vet. In certain circumstances, medicine or other therapies may be helpful, but it’s possible your cat may simply need time to adapt.

Your cat could be unwell if its hair starts flying about more than normal. Increased shedding might be an indication of hyperthyroidism or other frequent health issues in cats. A skin allergy is another potential cause. If you see any of these symptoms in your pet, it’s important to see a vet figure out the cause and the best course of action (besides more brushing, of course).

2. Lose or gain weight

Rapid weight gain or loss, or both, in a cat, might be an indication of illness. Common ailments in cats, such as stomach discomfort or more severe disorders like cancer or renal disease, might be indicated by changes in appetite and weight.

Cats might lose Weight while regularly eating if they have a condition like hyperthyroidism. If your cat seems a little puffed up, it may not be due to weight gain but to digestive issues. Other conditions that might induce fast weight gain include pregnancy, tumors, parasite infections, hypothyroidism, and Cushing’s disease. Whatever the situation may be, you should definitely see your vet about it.

3. Problems with sight or hearing

The pupils of a healthy cat should be the same size, and the eyes should be bright and clear. If your cat’s eyes have a hazy film or are different sizes, it may be unwell. Infections and parasites are two of the most prevalent causes of ocular discharge in cats.

There shouldn’t be any fluid coming out of your cat’s ears. Furthermore, there should be no symptoms of irritation, redness, or discoloration. You should take your cat to the doctor if you detect any issues with its eyes or ears.

4. Having a bad case of the stinks

Your cat may not have the freshest breath, but it shouldn’t make you sick to your stomach. Cats with bad breath often have underlying health issues, such as renal disease. The mouth and gums of your cat should seem clean and pink.

Bad breath and other oral health concerns may be a sign of gingivitis or tooth decay, both of which may lead to an infection that, in turn, can damage the heart. Therefore, it is crucial to maintain your cat’s oral health by giving it a thorough brushing twice a week and taking it in for professional cleaning once a year.

5. Modes of behavior alteration

Is your previously gregarious cat now becoming timid and anxious? Or maybe you’ve noticed that your formerly lively and cheerful furball has become a cranky and irritable grouch? There are a variety of symptoms your cat may be experiencing illness.

Another change in behavior you should monitor is issues utilizing the litter box. If your cat suddenly stops using the litter box, starts urinating outside of it more often, or seems like it hurts when he or she urinates, it may have a urinary tract infection or another common cat sickness.

If you observe any of these indicators of common cat ailments or less subtle signs like diarrhea or vomiting, you should call your veterinarian sooner rather than later. Early detection may help make treatment simpler and improve your cat’s health. Cats, especially indoor-only ones, should be insured since the expense of treating feline ailments may add up quickly, even with early identification.

Kitten sleeping all day, when should I call a doctor?

If you have a cat, you probably know that they seem to sleep for a large portion of each day. It’s possible that your cat is more active in the wee hours of the morning or night and that this increased activity could even wake you up.

While your cat’s sleeping habits may seem peculiar to you, they may be perfectly normal for felines. Understanding your cat better, knowing when your cat isn’t feeling well, and calling your veterinarian all start with learning more about natural cat sleeping patterns.

It seems like your kitten is sleeping a lot more than usual. The typical kitten is active and curious. Kittens, like humans, need a lot of sleep, but unlike humans, you can tell the difference between a tired and a lethargic kitten. Lethargic kittens sleep all day and show no interest in playing (or anything other than finding another place to fall asleep) when they are awake. Make an appointment with your vet if you think your kitten is lethargic, as the cause of this behavior may be hard to pin down.

Nearly 40% of cats sleep more than 18 hours per day1, and over half of all cats sleep for at least 12 hours daily. Cats, in general, tend to increase their daily sleep duration as they age.

Cats, like humans, go through distinct sleep phases. Cats have been observed to engage in both NREM and REM sleep stages. Cats, according to studies, are generally active and alert for a while before they become sleepy and enter non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep. During this non-rapid eye movement (NREM) phase, your cat may be dreaming but still alert. The cat’s state of consciousness may alternate between alert and drowsy and NREM sleep many times during the day.

At some point in the sleep cycle, cats make the change from non-rapid eye movement to rapid eye movement. Eyelid movement occurs during rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. Cats’ eyes may move in both the horizontal and vertical planes. You’ve undoubtedly seen your cat in REM slumber at some point. Cats may lose muscle tone and jitter during rapid eye movement (REM) sleep.

Cats may also dream during rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. When individuals are sleeping, it is during REM sleep that dreaming occurs most often. There may be a connection between dreaming and rapid eye movement (REM). Scientists have seen what seems to be REM-dream-related behavioral activity in cats.

Watch What your cat’s sleeping position reveals about their health and personality | Video

Top 5 FAQs and answers related to kitten sleeping all-day

My kitty seems to be sleeping more than normal; what may be causing this?

Cats that start sleeping more than normal may be sick or in discomfort. However, hyperthyroidism and other diseases might cause your cat to sleep less than normal.

Is my cat ill, or is it simply exhausted?

Kittens, like humans, need a lot of sleep, but unlike humans, you can tell the difference between a fatigued and a sluggish kitten. Sluggish kittens spend their days resting and without showing much interest in anything other than finding a new location to nap.

Will my kitten’s excessive snoozing be a cause for concern?

Kittens sleep more while they’re young than they do when they’re older, by a factor of around a month. On a typical day, a kitten will sleep for between 16 and 20 hours. In light of this, you shouldn’t worry if your kitten seems to be sleeping a lot.

If I feed my cat, why does it act so lethargic?

Your cat can be sluggish if you notice that it has less energy and less interest in its usual activities than usual. Many medical conditions, such as renal disease, diabetes, and food poisoning, manifest themselves clinically by causing extreme fatigue. If you don’t pay attention to the other symptoms, it’s hard to pinpoint the root of the problem.

Does my 8-week-old kitten seem to be sleeping through the day?

The excessive napping of kittens has long puzzled humans. Kittens are born deaf and blind and require all the rest they can get to develop these senses as well as their brain, central nervous system, and even their bones and muscles. They may maintain a healthy immune system in part because of the sleep they get.


Kittens are naturally nocturnal, so if you notice that yours is spending an unusually long period asleep, you shouldn’t worry just yet. The arrival of a new kitten into your life is cause for celebration.

Check out Paws for low-cost veterinarian telemedicine services if you need any help with your cat at this time or at any point in its life. However, there are things you can do to aid yours if you discover that they are having trouble obtaining the quantity of sleep they need for good growth.

Bottom up

So, I hope you got the full idea on Why Is My Kitten Sleeping All Day, Should I Worry: Guide

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Until the, Read about, 14 Pros and Cons of Litter Box Training a Dog: Guide

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