If you brought a Corgi home, you might wonder, “when do Corgi’s ears stand up?” Keep reading to find out.
Between the ages of 2 and 6, a corgi’s ears should typically rise.
It is widely assumed that if they do not rise after a given time, they will never rise again. Certain dogs do not produce cartilage in the ears or develop cartilage that is too thin concerning the magnitude and weight of the ears in rare circumstances.
In most cases, though, a corgi’s ears will eventually rise. If you’re inclined to stand it out, there’s usually a light at the end of the tunnel.
When do corgi ears stand up?
Corgis have floppy ears that do not perk up and stand up till they are older. During the first several months, their floppy ears will appear to have a life of their own; one will be upright, both will be upright, and none will be vertical. It’s going to be a wild ride.
The idea is not to be concerned if your Corgi does not have sharp ears when you first bring them home. In younger puppies, floppy ears are normal.
By 5 to 15 weeks, a Corgi puppy’s ears will usually perk up and stand up straight, though not necessarily in sync. Most Corgi ears will cease becoming floppy after they have done teething. When the ears rise, however, some children can be as old as eight months.
Why are my Corgis ears down and still floppy?
There are indeed Corgis with permanently drooping ears who will never perk up. While the purebred Corgi standard calls for “prick ears,” that may not be the case; it doesn’t define your dog seem less of a Corgi.
Below listed are potential reasons why your Corgis ears are down and floppy.
1. Your dog’s teething
Among the most common causes of drooping ears in Corgis is this. Their ears have not fully grown yet because they’re still teething. The external ear anatomy of a dog is made up of cartilage. Collagen and elastic fibres make up cartilage, which gives the ears their strength and flexibility.
The circulation of calcium in the body is particularly unequal throughout the teething phase. This indicates that, even though your Corgi’s teeth are sharpening, their ears are still trying to catch up because the cartilages are losing calcium. It’s usually not a negative thing when this happens.
Only till they are five months old do they go through the teething stage. It may take that much time for your Corgi’s ears to straighten up completely, so be patient. You could also assist your Corgi by feeding them a calcium-rich diet.
2. Petting in the wrong way
This may sound exaggerated, but improperly petting your Corgi might cause problems with their ear development.
Corgis’ ear cartilage is not entirely grown when they are still growing. Petting the ear in a downward motion will cause the cartilage to follow suit. Prevent caressing your Corgi near or on their ears at all costs. If you can’t help yourself, make sure their ears are pointed skyward when you pet them.
3. Calcium deficiency
Calcium is necessary for the production of cartilage and bones. As a result, the ears, teeth, tendons, fingers, spinal cord, and limb bones of dogs require time to develop correctly.
The majority of the calcium is used for tooth formation while they are teething. The other explanation is that they have a medical ailment called calcium deficiency.
Calcium shortage can be detected in a variety of ways, some of which are visible even to non-medical professionals. This deficit can lead to considerably more severe problems than floppy ears. It is not something to be taken lightly. If you notice any of these signs, you should contact your veterinarian right away. Vitamin K and D deficiency can cause problems with bone growth, but only a doctor can determine for sure.
4. Genetics
Based on this, recent research theorized that our entirety of domestication had changed dog physiology.
Some canines, in particular, will invariably have a lesser number and quality of brain cells. This induces cartilage to deteriorate, resulting in droopy ears in specific dogs.
To put it another way, your Corgi’s floppy ears could be a result of genetics. The AKC lists both Pembroke and Cardigan Welsh Corgis as having standing ears. This notion, meanwhile, suggests that some dogs will invariably be an exception to the rule.
How do you get your Corgis ears to stand up?
Unless there is a genetic component for your puppy’s ears not standing up on their own, the ears typically stand up on their own given enough time.
Their family history primarily determines the speed at which this occurs; certain lines have ears that straighten up as premature as 7-8 weeks old, while others are late bloomers that take a few months to straighten up.
And, in some instances, especially in Cardigan Welsh Corgis, but also in Pembroke Welsh Corgis, the ears are so large that they require extra support to keep upright while the cartilage is still growing.
Below listed are standard practices to get your Corgi’s ears to stand up.
1. Supplements for the joints
You should concentrate on joint supplements if you wish to help your Corgi’s ears perk up.
Since the cartilage in the ears builds similarly to those in the rest of the body, joint supplements that are high in collagen type II, chondroitin, glucosamine, and MSM are the best chance.
This must be done under the supervision of a veterinarian to ensure that the timing and dose are correct for the Corgi’s development.
2. Taping ears
The most frequent approach for breeders to induce their puppies’ ears to stand up is by taping or gluing them.
By holding the ear in an upright posture for a length of time, they enable the cartilage to form without interference from the ear’s constant motion, which could result in a crease that doesn’t generate cartilage as well as it should, resulting in a weak spot and a floppy ear.
If the ear gets too heavy for the still-forming cartilage to maintain it upright on its own, taping (or gluing) can help. The goal is to retain the ear in a fixed upright posture, regardless of how you do it.
As previously stated, cartilage creation is slow; therefore, patience is required to see results. There is no way to accelerate it, so the more impatient you are, the more likely the cartilage will not form properly, and the ears will remain floppy.
3. Petting correctly
Once it comes to caressing your Corgi’s ears, things get a little trickier. You risk pushing their cartilage downward if you do it incorrectly.
As a result, don’t stroke their heads downward or pet beneath their ears. Alternatively, try patting them from the front or stretching their ear upward regularly. The ear cartilage is malleable and adaptable throughout time.
Never push or force the ears upward. If you contact your dog with force, they may develop afraid of you. Be gentle with their ears and pet them as if they were your dearest friend.
At what age do Corgi’s ears stand up?
When your Corgi puppy’s ears finally stand up on their own, there’s no perfect science to calculate what age they will be. It will differ from one puppy to the next. From around the 5 to 15-week mark, you should notice your Corgi puppy’s ears begin to start standing up on their own. For the most part, this will be the scenario.
If your Corgi puppy’s ears do not stand up under their own within such a time range, they will most likely do so once teething is over. This can occupy up to 6 or even 8 months in the life of your dog. Your Corgi puppy’s ears will likely start to stand up on their own once the calcium has been administered to help them establish good teeth.
Not all Corgis, however, have standing ears. Your Corgi could wear floppy ears for the rest of his life, which would make him even more unique. Keep in mind that this does not imply something is wrong with your Corgi. Regardless if they have gorgeous floppy ears, they are indeed a Corgi.
How to tape your Corgi ears upright?
Despite drooping or floppy ears being nothing to be ashamed of, many dog owners wish to alter them. This is among the most often shared internet advice. The tape method is recommended by many dog owners and a few dog experts.
Ensure you clean your Corgi’s ears before doing anything to them. Allow him to become acquainted with the tape by giving him the role to play with. After that, reward them with a treat and compliment them on their patience.
Below shown is a step-by-step guide to taping your Corgi ears upright.
- Keep a firm grip on your dog’s head.
- Cut a 1 ½ inch or 2-inch strip of tape.
- Tape your dog’s ear in the appropriate direction while gently holding it upright.
- Take a long piece of tape and tie it around both ears for increased support.
- For optimal results, leave the tape on for 3-4 weeks.
Should I crop my Corgi ears?
You may have seen articles online that suggest ear clipping for floppy ears. What is the logic behind it? Whenever a puppy is less than three months old, a vet will clip off a portion of the dog’s long ears. The goal is that following the surgery, the ear will have a perkier shape.
Some breeding groups, particularly dog show competitors, do this for aesthetic purposes. The American Veterinary Medicinal Association, on the other hand, only permits ear cropping for medical reasons.
Keep in mind that clipping your Corgi’s ears would be pretty uncomfortable for him. While the treatment is performed under anaesthetic, your dog’s recovery may be traumatic. Before undergoing surgery on your pet, seek a second professional opinion.
What if my Corgi ears never stand up?
It’s necessary to keep in mind that your Corgi’s floppy ears are pretty standard. They’re still Corgis, just with more unusual ears than regular Corgis. As a result, they will be much more special to you anyway as their owner. Not to note the floppy ears, which are just lovely.
It’s important to remember that although your Corgi puppy’s ears don’t stand up right away doesn’t imply that they’ll always be floppy. Sometimes all it takes is a little tolerance for your Corgi’s ears to start standing up under their own.
Is it normal to have floppy ears?
A small percentage of corgis will never acquire straight pointed ears, instead opting for partial or drop ears.
This is merely a point to consider. The great majority of corgis will grow upright ears. There’s nothing wrong with floppy ears, and then at the end of teething, there’s still a chance they’ll raise under their own.
Some people, on the other hand, will have dropped ears not because they’re having problems but because they can’t.
Top 5 tips to help Corgi ear stand up
Below mentioned are tips that could potentially help Corgi ear stand up.
1. Nutrition and food
The strength of your puppy’s food is critical for their general growth and development, which involves the ears.
Ascertain that your Corgi is eating a puppy-specific formula from a reputable brand that emphasizes “fresh” and “whole” components. A high-protein diet is essential for optimal growth, and high-carb kibbles should be avoided at all costs.
Apart from having a very high diet on paper, it’s also critical that your Corgi enjoys it. Specific high-quality selections may not be suitable for all dogs, so make sure your Corgi is appropriately digesting the food.
2. Exercise muscles
The muscles in your dog’s jaw, mouth, and the remainder of the head are related to his ears. Give your pet chew toys to help them exercise those muscles. Presumably, this will result in firmer ears as well.
The connective ear tissue does not have any direct blood flow. Unlike popular belief, gently massaging the ears increases blood flow to the skin instead of the cartilage itself.
3. Calcium
Another technique that Corgi owners try to enhance their Corgis’ calcium intake is to provide them with calcium-rich meals.
Several Corgi owners think that giving their dogs calcium-rich foods can help their dogs’ ears rise faster. This is because, whereas the Corgi puppy’s natural calcium amounts are used to aid in the development of their teeth, this calcium supplement could be used to assist in the development of their ears.
There isn’t any actual evidence that this strategy works. It appears to be an urban legend passed down among Corgi owners. Before actually giving your Corgi puppy these calcium-rich diets, we recommend consulting your veterinarian.
4. Rest and recovery are essential
Developing takes a lot of energy, which is one of the explanations pups sleep so much. This is why it’s so important to give your puppy quite as many naps and sleeps as they want. After all, this is when they experience the most of their growth.
Allowing lots of rest and recovery time for your puppy can help him grow big, strong, and healthy ears.
5. Ensure that your pet is in good health
It doesn’t end there, though. You should look after your dog’s emotional and physical well-being as a dog parent. They must have the fundamentals, such as nutritional food, medical treatment, physical activity, and a safe living environment. Ascertain that they are receiving adequate attention and physical affection. This is true for all dog breeds.
As previously stated, improper petting can result in floppy ears. You can learn how to pet them by watching YouTube videos or consulting a professional. The majority of dog owners advise against patting them downwards. To keep your Corgi’s ears upright, caressing him in an upward motion is a good idea.
Watch Corgi puppies growing up from birth to 2 months | Video
Below are five frequently asked questions (FAQs) in the context of “when do Corgi’s ears stand up,” followed by appropriate answers.
Why are my Corgi’s ears floppy?
Floppy ears are common in Corgis for a range of reasons. Some dogs are still going through their development spurts, while others are still in the teething stage (3-5 months old). Floppy ears can also be caused by external factors such as people playing with them or other dogs chewing them.
Why do Corgi ears take such a long time to develop?
Corgi puppies’ ears will remain floppy and flat since they do not have upright pointed ears. Their ears mature at a glacially slow pace.
It’s very natural for one ear to be upright while the other is entirely flat. They should both move up and remain pointed throughout time. Ears may pop up and then unexpectedly flop throughout development.
Is it possible to tape your Corgi’s ears at home?
It’s not as simple as placing some masking tape on your Corgi’s ears. It’s critical to seek professional assistance for this. The ears must be properly taped. Any minor misalignment might cause lifelong damage and future difficulties by causing the ears to grow improperly.
How long should a Corgi’s ears be taped?
The tape tends to stay on the ears for a few weeks to a few months, depending on the situation. This, in turn, is determined by their overall development, age, and when their ears were initially taped. Throughout the taping process, always seek advice from your physician.
Is it true that Corgis have pointy ears?
Yes, at the time of birth. Some dogs will never have upright ears.
The American Kennel Club (AKC) stipulates that Corgis must have upright ears.
This is only relevant if you intend to use him as a show dog. This would not be an issue as a personal companion.
This article explained the context of Corgi’s ears taking too much time to stand upright. The article covers the potential reason for floppy ears along with an extensive guide to try and get your Corgis ears to stand up. Frequently asked questions regarding “when do Corgi’s ears stand up” are also answered.
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