In order to empty the nasal passages of accumulated secretions, a dog may repeatedly blow air out of its nose. If you have a runny nose, don’t confuse it with a naturally wet nose. Wet noses are common in dogs. However, they don’t drip all the time in normal situations.

Dripping is bothersome to dogs, and they’ll try anything to stop it. Sneezing or engaging in a meticulous sneezing spell are common responses to the dog’s nasal discharge. The dog may also blow air out of its nose excessively. It is possible for dogs to have runny noses due to a variety of ailments or diseases. The following are the most prevalent triggers for a runny nose.

What is dog’s reverse sneezing? 

Why Is My Dog Blowing Air Out of the Nose: Reasons Guide

Even if you’ve never seen your dog blow air out of its nose, you may think it’s something to be concerned about. As though the dog was trying to blow his nose in the same way that a human would in order to cleanse the nasal passages of a cold or allergy.

As a result, dogs don’t have the luxury of simply grabbing a Kleenex and blowing their nose as we do. Listed below are some possible causes of a dog blowing air out of its nose. It’s not uncommon for what dog owners perceive to be an air burst from the dog’s nose to be nothing more than a regular reverse sneeze. To put it another way, a dog’s reverse sneeze is quite common and is medically recognized as paroxysmal inspiratory respiration.

 The sound of a dog reverse sneezing may be alarming to dog owners, who may rush their pets to the clinic under the assumption that they are choking or having difficulty breathing.

However, most dogs’ reverse sneezes are nothing to be concerned about. An inhalation via the nose that is fast and forceful is called a reverse sneeze, and it’s often accompanied by a sound like a snort or gagging. Affected dogs may seem distressed, yet they carry on with their life as if nothing ever occurred after the crisis is over.

Why do dogs blow out their nose? 

My bulldog dog Waffles is my best friend, and I don’t know about yours. Dogs are great companions, but they can also serve as a deterrent to burglars and robbers (even my fat little bulldog tends to be protective at times.)

They are generally viewed as a member of the family and taken to the vet if they become ill or feel unwell. Many individuals take their pets to the vet because they’re concerned about how their dogs’ nose-blowing sounds. Because of this, you begin to worry: Did he swallow something? Is he breathing? Is he in danger?

Well, it’s possible he’s sneezing backward! It’s a little unnerving the first time you watch your dog make such a loud noise from his nose. There are several occasions when vets say that the dogs’ health is not in jeopardy.

1. Over-excitement

As much as it’s wonderful to know that your dogs feel thrilled when they meet you, it might also lead them to reverse sneeze. They will become overworked if they engage in too many intense activities. If a bulldog or a pug is too ecstatic, they are more prone to reverse sneezing. Why? They are short-nosed breeds due to their brachycephalic characteristics. Reverse sneeze is caused by their stretched soft palate inhaling.

2. Other health problems and disorders

Kennel cough and respiratory infections may be to blame for persistent reverse sneezing. This can be the first indicator of tooth caries, tracheal collapse, or nasal tumors, to name a few such conditions.

Severe backward sneezing is another sign of nasal mite infestation. Your dog’s sneezing, itching, and even bleeding may be caused by small bugs dwelling in his nasal cavity. Foreign objects, extra tissues, and polyps in the dog’s nose can also cause reverse sneezing. The duration and severity of the sneeze must be observed.

3. Allergies

In dogs, the most common cause of reverse sneezing is exposure to primary irritants such as dust, home cleansers, or cigarette smoke. As a defense mechanism, individuals who are hypersensitive to these triggers have inflammation in their airways, resulting in sneezing to eliminate the irritants from their systems.

4. Breathing pattern modifications

After a good game of fetch, dogs enjoy curling up for a snooze. A change in respiratory rhythm caused by an afternoon nap, on the other hand, can result in a reverse sneeze. You don’t need to be alarmed if your dog sneezes in this manner.

5. Tightness in the nose and throat

In addition to being entertaining, placing a collar or ribbon around your dog’s neck enhances their cuteness and attractiveness. However, a dog’s reverse sneeze might be exacerbated by a collar that is too tight. If you’re going to buy a leash, keep this in mind before you buy one. Remember that the straps should not be too tight to irritate their throats.

How to deal with a dog with runny nose?

Why Is My Dog Blowing Air Out of the Nose: Reasons Guide

Dogs reveal much about their personalities with a simple nose-bump. In comparison to your 6 million olfactory receptors, your pooch has over 100 million. Is this a sign that they’re having an issue with their snoot? Many people believe that a healthy nose should be chilly and moist.

For the most part, it’s best to keep an eye out for any unusual discharge from your dog’s nose. Unless it’s accompanied by additional symptoms like coughing, nasal congestion, fatigue, or changes in appetite, clear discharge isn’t usually caused for alarm. Be on the lookout for any changes in the color, texture, or discoloration of the nose (which may appear paler than usual).

Their breathing could be affected if their nostrils flare more than usual or they’re panting abnormally. A short veterinary inspection is frequently the fastest and safest method to get to the root of the problem because nasal difficulties can be caused by a multitude of circumstances.

What causes reverse sneezing in dogs?

Dogs blowing air out of their nose may cause you to question if this is something to worry about. Dogs blow their noses for a variety of reasons, some of which are more important than others. Reverse sneezing is another term for this. While this may be a cause for concern, it is a typical occurrence.

As with humans, dogs sneeze to clear their noses of irritants. They often use their nose and lungs to eliminate these abnormal bodies. They may also sneeze while playing. Known as “play sneezing,” this is a sign of their playful nature. Additionally, dogs can communicate with other animals by emitting various messages through their noses, such as a sneeze.

What are the symptoms that tell your dog is sick?

It’s possible that dog owners might be concerned if their pets start blowing air out of their noses. You need to handle the issue because you never know if it’s harmless or a sign of more serious issues.

Is there a physiological reason for this? When a dog does this, it’s likely that it’s trying to blow something out of its nose in the same way that we do. Some kind of obstruction in their nose or snoot could be the source of this behavior. Colds and allergies could also be to blame. A visit to the vet, no matter how minor, is essential in the event of a major problem with your puppy.

1. Strep throat

It could be trying to clear its nasal passages if it is blowing air out of its nostrils with a lot of force. Dogs, unlike humans, are unable to use a tissue to clean their noses; instead, they sneeze, blow air out of their noses, or lick their noses.

Numerous aspects of the mascot’s life may contribute to his or her chronic runny nose, including the following: Certain items, such as cigarette smoke, fragrances, dust, the weather, or cleaning chemicals, can cause the dog’s nose to get irritated. To expel the allergens lodged in their nasal passages, they sneeze. An infection of the respiratory system can be caused by any virus or bacterium associated with it. They will need to take antibiotics if their nose drips all day with yellow or green discharge.

2. Excitement

Reverse sneezing can also be triggered by physical activity like playing with them. The respiration of dogs, especially those with short nostrils, is affected by overexcitement.

3. Allergies

This sneeze kind is most commonly caused by allergies. Dogs are hypersensitive to their own scent. Thus any type of irritant might trigger it. Affecting can be a cold station such as a winter or a spring.

4. Breathing effortfully

The puppy might try to use other muscles in order to help his body breathe in the event that he is having difficulty. Neck muscles raise the initial ribs, which causes the chest to expand, the nostrils to spread, and the mouth to be used. If your dog is struggling to breathe, it’s important to see a vet as soon as possible to rule out more serious health issues. Asthma, heartworms, organ illness, or even cancer can affect the lungs, heart, or chest.

5. Treatment of nasal discharge

A runny nose and a mild allergy could turn into something more serious. It’s imperative that you take your dog to the vet if you detect any unusual behavior, such as an elevated body temperature, an increase in sleep duration, or a lack of appetite. It is possible that the allergy has developed into an infection.

Antibiotics, anti-parasitic, or antifungal medications, as appropriate, will be administered to your dog, depending on the nature of the problem. Surgery may be required if an object gets lodged in the nose, depending on how far down it is. Tumors in the surrounding area are also affected by this. Some dogs are more prone to accidently snorting something up their nose since they frequently use their noses to sniff. Asthma and eczema can be treated with antihistamines and corticosteroids.

6. Tightness in the throat

Reverse sneezing can be caused by tight neck collars and leashes on your dog. To make your dog feel at ease, you need to acquire the correct leash for him.

7. Sneezing in the opposite direction

Even though it might be bothersome or even frightening for dog owners, reverse sneezing in dogs has been found to be widespread and harmless. Gagging noises and forceful intake through the nose are the primary causes of this respiratory episode. Inhalation of any of the irritants listed above is a common cause of this. Rub and relax your dog’s neck to reduce this occurrence. You can also help your dog inhale by covering their nostrils or blowing their face a little bit.

What to do when dog is frequently blowing out nose? 

Why Is My Dog Blowing Air Out of the Nose: Reasons Guide

Your dog’s breathing and wheezing may suddenly grow erratic. You may be perplexed as to why your dog keeps blowing air out of his nose. In the following post, we’ll explain why. Dog owners are understandably alarmed if their dog begins producing sudden, loud snorting noises.

Reverse sneezing, as the name suggests, is very likely to affect your dog. Dogs sneeze by blowing air out of their noses. The same substance that causes you to sneeze may also set off this illness. Inflammation in the nose, throat, or even sinuses could be the reason for your dog’s excessive nasal blowing. If you have a dog, you’ve probably noticed that when they first wake up from a slumber, they blow air out of their nose.

When to see vet when your dog blow out their nose? 

Do you recognize this? The sound of your dog’s snoring gets louder and louder and in quick succession. Did they ingest something that was not supposed to be in their system? Where is their airway? You may be suffering the dreaded “reverse sneeze,” which is a common occurrence.

There are many cases where owners rush their dogs to the vet after discovering them standing with their elbows apart, heads drawn back, and bulging eyes while they snort or gasp repeatedly. The great majority of these canines didn’t need to see a doctor. The first time you hear or see reverse sneezing, it’s a little unnerving. Dogs, on the other hand, are prone to this rather common and non-lethal respiratory condition.

Learn how to detect reverse sneezing, what causes it, and how to tell the difference between a harmless reverse sneeze and something else in this article. When you sneeze, you quickly push air out of your nose.

In a reverse sneeze, the air is drawn in through the nose quickly and noisily. It can sound like snorting, snuffling, or even gagging, and it can continue anywhere from a few seconds to a minute.

Watch 30 mind blowing facts about dog noses (you probably didn’t know) | Video

People also ask questions and answers related to the Why is my dog blowing air out of the nose?

A dog blowing air out of his nose means what?

To get rid of the mucus that has built up in the nasal passages, dogs will blow their noses a lot. A runny nose is not the same as a naturally wet nose. Wet noses are common in dogs, although they don’t dribble all the time.

Why does my dog ​​keep blowing air out?

Like typical sneezing, it’s often prompted by an irritation or inflammation in the nose, throat, or sinuses. When a dog wakes up from a slumber or eats, its breathing rhythm may have suddenly shifted, resulting in a rapid heartbeat. Any irritants in the airway, from dust to hair that has been inhaled!

What causes reverse sneezing?

Any inflammation of the nose, sinuses, or back of the throat might induce an episode of reverse sneezing. Some examples of irritants are nasal mites, fluids, foreign bodies like seeds, pollens, and grasses, allergies, and odors.

How do you tell the difference between a backward sneeze and a collapsed trachea?

Honking sounds will be heard while your dog is coughing, but this should not be mistaken for the sounds made when a dog is doing a reverse sneeze. It sounds like the dog is both sneezing and inhaling at the same time when the dog is reverse sneezing.

How do you treat reverse sneezing?

No medical therapy is needed for backward sneezing the vast majority of the time. During an episode, you can soothe your dog by softly petting her neck or torso. You can also use a home cure that involves mildly blowing on your dog’s nose while covering both of his nostrils for a brief period of time.


Your dog’s respiratory system might be affected by a wide variety of things. Most of them are harmless, but if they persist for a long period of time, they can lead to more serious conditions. That’s when it’s critical to have your dog examined by a veterinarian to determine the best course of action. The issue, “Why do dogs blow out their nose?” has now been answered in order for concerned owners to know what to do.

Veterinarian care is rarely required for reversal sneezing. If you stop sneezing for a few minutes, the problem is solved. Calling the vet may be necessary if you notice a significant increase in the frequency or duration of an episode. Aside from the reverse sneezing, you should seek medical attention if your dog displays other respiratory symptoms or has an unusual nasal discharge.

Bottom up

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