Why do canines eat so quickly, sometimes gulping down their kibble in one go without even chewing it? Dogs eating quickly are not uncommon; in fact, if statistics on dog eating times were ever collected, Puppy Planet would likely show that more dogs eat quickly than slowly.

Dogs don’t seem to share our penchant for a leisurely meal where we savor each bite, but they do seem to have their own valid reasons for eating quickly. The evolutionary past of dogs explains why they sometimes eat their food without chewing, so don’t immediately label your dog as greedy if he does the same.

Dogs weren’t given bags of kibble in fancy bowls back in the day. In the wild, where a dog’s ancestors lived, eating quickly was essential for survival.

Should I worry if my puppy doesn’t chew kibble?

Why Is My Puppy Doesn't Chew Kibble: What Should I Do Guide

Many of us would do anything for the safety of our pets. Of course, occasionally, these tykes will do something out of the ordinary. When you say, “why doesn’t my dog chew his food?” Dogs have regular difficulty grasping the concept of taste.

All they care about is getting their stomachs full. Could this be a cause for alarm? The most pressing query is why they act in such a way. For obvious reasons, knowing why your dog isn’t chewing is crucial. Please let this article explain everything to you. Give your pet a big hug in the meantime.

Concerns and worries will arise if you suddenly start eating more quickly than usual, if your dog starts whining at night, and if you develop any other unusual habits. Does it matter if my dog doesn’t chew his food? Because they have a tendency to suffocate, in some instances, this is the case.

However, in the majority of cases, it is just a dog being a dog. Did you know your pets quickly eat to keep themselves safe? Strange as it may seem, it is, in fact, the case. Their fast eating speed and lack of chewing make them feel safe in the wild. The foraged food is also shared among multiple individuals. In this way, they can quickly choose what to eat and get it in their bellies. This way, they can avoid needless canine brawls.

Why doesn’t my puppy chew kibble?

Because they are dogs and not humans, the first problem is that they don’t have the jaws or teeth necessary for chewing. They have few teeth that are suited for grinding, as most of their mouths are used for ripping, tearing, and crushing. And, as was already mentioned, innate behavior patterns.

Because other pack members might try to steal your food or because danger might be close and force you to flee, you should eat as quickly as possible. The genetic programming of our domesticated animals is still quite robust. Even though some people try to cast animals in human roles, animals aren’t human.

1. Alternate to something more appetizing

Picky A Jack Russel Terrier is offered a new dry dog food brand. If your dog is picky about what it eats, trying a different brand of food might be all it takes to win him over. There is no way to communicate with your dog.

It’s enough to bark at the moon. Your dog may be trying to tell you that he doesn’t like the flavor of his food by ignoring it. In order to successfully make the transition, you should steer clear of flavors that are similar to the old ones. Switching dry dog foods, like Purina One Chicken & Rice to Diamond Naturals Chicken & Rice, is unlikely to entice your dog to eat more of his kibble.

Choose a different flavor to try out. Let’s say your canine companion expresses distaste for chicken-flavored treats. You could substitute these with fish, beef, or venison.

The good news is that there is no correlation between food quality and price. Many picky dog owners have found success by switching to a less expensive brand, proving that “cheap” doesn’t have to mean “tasteless.” To wit: Chop, the picky bulldog.

Chop’s owner made the switch from Blue Buffalo Life Protection Formula to Iams Chicken Flavor because of the cost. Chop loved the new food, and his owner was happy to spend less money on it. Some owners of picky canines have found success by switching to fish-based dog food. Smelly fish flavors, like salmon, tuna, or whitehead, were found to be much more popular than standard fares like beef or chicken.

2. Put it on the ground

A Golden Retriever puppy picks at its dry dog food while it sits on the patio floor. Is your puppy a bit picky? To get him to eat, you can use his playful nature. Put some dry dog food on the ground and sit by your puppy to feed him.

Keep adding new pieces as your puppy eats them. To encourage your energetic dog to eat, try making mealtimes more like games. Once he develops an appetite for his food, which may take several feeding sessions, you can switch to a bowl.

This method is best carried out in the open air because of the potential for messiness. Nothing is more annoying than crunching kibble underfoot, so if you eat inside, make sure to grab a good broom and clean up afterward.

3. Make a game out of mealtime

Picky white dog being fed from a kong feeder. Children who are picky eaters frequently experiment with various ways of “playing” with their food instead of actually eating it. Use a high-quality feeding toy to teach your dog to do both.

Incorporating both play and nutrition, feeding toys is a unique innovation. And they are a fantastic tool for getting food-obsessed dogs to eat what he’s been given as a reward for playing with their toys. Jessica, the poodle’s owner, laments that her pet won’t eat dry kibble. When she puts it in a treat dispensing dog toy, however, her poodle goes crazy for it.

To get his picky English Springer Spaniel to eat, Jack, like many other pet owners, uses a snuffle mat. Although he won’t eat the same kibble out of a bowl, this dog will eat it out of his hand if he happens to find it using his keen sense of smell.

A major drawback of feeding toys is their capacity for holding food. A small dog like a Boston terrier might not have a problem with this, but larger breeds might. For example, a large dog like a Rottweiler or Mastiff might require 10 cups of kibble every day.

It’s impractical to expect someone to constantly refill a feeding toy with this much food. But a feeding toy might be just what you need to coax your small or medium-sized dog to finish his food.

4. Take care to feed the appropriate amount

Chihuahua, who has been overfed, is being choosy and won’t eat her food. This may seem like stating the obvious, but many pet owners give their dogs far too much food.

Yes, I get it. After all, it’s not easy to say no to your dog’s pleading puppy dog eyes when they’re begging for a treat. There’s no risk, right? It’s possible that your dog isn’t picky because he or she is satisfied. Overfeeding is especially dangerous for toy breed puppies like Chihuahuas, Papillons, and Brussels Griffons. 

You’d be surprised how little food these little dogs actually require. The tiniest breeds may get by on just half a cup of kibble per day. Miniature bellies fill up quickly, as you might expect. When you’re already stuffed, the last thing you want is to stuff yourself even more, right?

The same can be said for your dog. Also, your dog isn’t going to eat any more food, no matter how much you give it to him. Sometimes, when a dog seems fussy, it’s actually because he just needs more time to finish digesting his last meal. Talk to your vet about how much food your dog should be eating. If you overfeed your dog, he or she may develop a picky eating habit.

5. Act like you’re eating it

In order to mimic his owner, a fussy French Bulldog eats from a bowl. Meagan deserves a lot of credit for sharing her story about using this innovative technique to get her picky dog to eat.

She discovered that the easiest way to get the dog to take the pill was to act as if she were eating it after reading our guide on the subject. Her Shih Tzu would mistake a pill for a treat and happily eat it. Meagan extended this idea when she fostered Elon, a picky Havanese. You probably guessed correctly that Elon wasn’t eating. 

He picked up a bag of kibble and acted as though she were snacking on chips. She would pretend to grab more kibble from the bag while secretly holding a handful in her hand. She would give the Havanese a single piece of kibble every minute or so.

Elon, thinking he had won the lottery, would devour it hastily. Meagan put Elon’s kibble in his bowl. He ate the entire thing without complaining. To think that acting like your dog is eating kibble might actually convince him to eat it is hilarious.

Why won’t my dog chew his food and throw up?

When feeding your dog, have you ever realized that he swallows his food whole? This may cause your dog to vomit up large chunks of food if the dog’s stomach is easily upset. But most of the time, your dog won’t even need to chew his food, and that’s fine.

We are left wondering why canines don’t appear to share our penchant for chewing our food. This is a common trait among animals, especially cats. A major factor in why some dogs eat in this manner is their physical makeup. 

To put it simply, canines don’t share our capacity for appreciative eating. They don’t eat for the flavor but to satisfy their hunger. Motivation Behind the Actions Multiple factors contributes to the fact that canines rarely masticate their meals. It’s important to remember that this kind of behavior stems from their natural instincts or pack mentality.

In order to ensure your own survival as a wild dog, you must consume your meal quickly and then move on. In addition, scavenged food would be shared among the pack members, so in order to avoid fights, each individual would have to quickly claim their share and eat as quickly as possible.

 His swallowing behavior may also have biological explanations unique to dogs. Canine throats are designed to expand to swallow large chunks of food whole. Humans simply cannot do this without choking.

Additionally, canines have pointy teeth that enable them to quickly grab and eat much larger pieces of food than humans, whose flat teeth are designed for savoring and tasting our food. The environment is another important factor to consider when talking about your dog. 

When there are multiple dogs in the house, one or more of them may eat more quickly out of fear of having to compete for food. Dogs may eat more quickly if they are startled while eating from a glass or metal bowl that allows the dogs’ tags to clank on it.

The fact is that dogs are naturally predisposed to swallowing food in its entirety, and there are a number of stimuli that can set off this behavior. It’s not always a good idea to let your dog wolf down his food without properly chewing it. In some cases, this can cause the dog to choke or experience stomach distress. Understanding the cause of your dog’s behavior and working to correct it before it becomes a problem are your best options.

Is it bad if the dog doesn’t chew kibble? 

Why Is My Puppy Doesn't Chew Kibble: What Should I Do Guide

Eating more quickly than usual, your dog whining at night, and other odd behaviors are all causes for concern. How concerning is it if my dog swallows his food whole? Since they have a tendency to suffocate, the answer is yes.

However, in the vast majority of cases, this behavior is expected and accepted. It is possible to steer clear of, put a stop to, or control the behavior. Let’s examine the root causes of the problem first. 

As a form of self-defense, did you know that your pets tend to wolf down their food quickly? Strange as it may seem, it’s actually true. Their fast eating speed and lack of chewing make them feel safe in the wild. The foraged food is also shared among multiple individuals. In this way, they can quickly choose what to eat and get it in their bellies. This way, they can avoid needless dogfights.

What happens if dog doesn’t chew kibble? 

Dogs don’t chew their food for a variety of reasons. As a preliminary matter, it’s important to note that this conduct is rooted in their natural instincts or pack mentality. If you want to survive as a dog in the wild, you have to learn to wolf down your meals and get moving. Food that was scavenged would be shared among the pack members therefore eating quickly was essential to avoiding fighting.

Another explanation for this particular habit is the dog’s natural biology. A dog’s throat is designed to expand to take large chunks of food at once. When doing this, most people will end up choking. On the other hand, dogs have pointed teeth that enable them to swiftly catch and chew considerably bigger chunks of food than we can with our flatter human teeth. You should also highlight the importance of your dog’s habitat.

Your dog may eat more quickly because he thinks he needs to compete with the other dogs for food if you have more than one. It’s also possible to scare your dog into eating more quickly by using a glass or metal dish that enables the dog’s tags to clank on it.

Your dog should not always be allowed to eat without being supervised while it is in the process of chewing its food. Some dogs may choke or have gastrointestinal problems as a result of this. The best course of action is to identify the source of your dog’s problem behavior and work toward a solution before it escalates.

What to do if the dog isn’t chewing kibble?

Why Is My Puppy Doesn't Chew Kibble: What Should I Do Guide

If you notice that your dog is gulping down his food without chewing, you may be concerned. When this behavior causes the dog to vomit repeatedly, the situation can become dire. The dog may not be sick, but it is still concerning if he swallows his food whole. How serious is it if my dog swallows his food whole?

To begin with, there is a high likelihood of vomiting if the dog doesn’t chew his food properly. The dog runs the risk of choking or getting a twisted stomach. Get your dog to eat more slowly, and he’ll enjoy his meal more and help alleviate this problem. Changing the dog’s bowl is a simple but effective method you can use for this purpose.

1. Biology and Genetics

How much your dog chews his food may be influenced by his genetic makeup. The esophagus of your cat may stretch to accommodate substantial food chunks. It’s not in human nature, but for them, it just comes naturally.

True, they may act a little out of the ordinary sometimes, but knowing the backstory can help you better deal with the oddness. Your dog has very sharp teeth, as seen by a careful inspection.

Because of this, they are able to eat more quickly and spend less time chewing their food. They don’t have teeth like humans have, so that’s not a fair comparison. Your dog may be domesticated, yet it still retains certain wild characteristics.

2. What is around your pet

Perhaps the answer to the question “why does my Dog not chew his food?” lies in the conditions in which your pet is kept. Your pet is not a fan of sharing. Thus, your dog will get anxious if you have a high number of other dogs or pets. They worry that someone else will end up eating their dinner if they don’t.

3. Feed them delicious food

If you notice that your pet is not showing the usual level of enthusiasm for his meals, you may try this. Give them a tastier diet by including certain foods that can be combined. If they seem uninterested in their present fare, consider upgrading their diet. They might benefit from a nutritional overhaul.

4. Please relax

A dog’s natural reaction to new people or animals in its environment is fear. They are afraid someone may try to take their food. The promise that the meal is all theirs may help calm them down.

Their food may be stored in a location that is distinct from the other pets’ meals. This setup will allow them to enjoy their meal without any interruptions. If you don’t have much space, a dog cone may be purchased or made.

5. Bring them out frequently

In order to maximize the health of your dog, it may be helpful to give him or her plenty of vigorous activity. Do you know that when they exercise, their confidence levels rise? Walks with them on a regular basis are permitted. That should settle their nerves and satisfy their hunger. They’ll be able to take their time chewing their food. Take care, however, not to overdo it with the workouts.

6. Encourage them to eat more

Take into account the likelihood that you are underfeeding your dog. First, you need to know what breed they are so you can give them the right amount of calories. It’s best to talk to a vet or do some research online. Once that’s done, you may give them a bit extra food than usual, so they eat better. This dog feeding routine may also be used for your pet.

7. Bring fido or fluffy to the vet

This is something to attempt if you feel that your pet isn’t responding to your efforts. Seeking expert guidance when dealing with your dog’s behavior is always recommended. If you want to know “why my dog doesn’t chew her food,” a trip to the vet is in order. Perhaps it is not as dire as it seems.

Watch get your dog eating kibble again | Video

Top 5 FAQs and answers related to puppy doesn’t chew kibble

What if my dog doesn’t eat kibble?

It’s possible that some of the canine guests won’t enjoy their meal. The problem, however, may arise if the person never chews anything. Feeding too quickly and not chewing may not be good for the pet. A few dogs may experience gastrointestinal distress or even toxic shock as a result.

How can I encourage my puppy to eat dry food?

To encourage him to eat more slowly and chew his food, try adding water to his dry food or switching to wet food. Larger kibbles may help prevent him from accidentally ingesting too much of them at once. Perhaps it’s not just the dog food but the bowl it’s in.

What’s the deal with puppies not chewing their food?

Choking and gagging can occur when people eat too quickly because they are not giving their food enough time to be properly digested. Also, if another pet or person comes close to them while they are eating, the animal may become aggressive because of the association between greedy behavior and that eating style.

I don’t understand why my dog always finishes his food whole?

They don’t have the teeth to chew food slowly and enjoy it. When compared to the flat, chewing teeth of a human, the pointed canine can better grab food and swallow it whole.

To what cause is my dog’s chewing so difficult?

When a dog has dental disease, it may have trouble chewing its food and eventually lose interest in eating altogether. Especially among older dogs and toy breeds, issues with their teeth and gums are common.


The way your dog eats is a natural instinct for them. You can ease the tension and help them chew food more properly just by changing a few things like their food or bowls. It’s not something to stress over unless it starts causing stomach issues. Dogs will be dogs, after all. Never forget that canines naturally feel the need to guard their food. If you have more than one dog, the eating and drinking areas should be kept separate from one another. 

In addition, if your dogs have protective eating behaviors, such as eating food whole, it may be best to feed them separately. Always try to make it a friendly atmosphere when feeding dogs; this will greatly help with digestion. Stressful eating situations can lead to digestion troubles such as gastric dilatation-volvulus or bloat.

Bottom up

So, I hope you got the full idea on Why Is My Puppy Doesn’t Chew Kibble: What Should I Do Guide

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Until the, Read about, Why Is My Puppy Will Pee Outside but Not Poop: Guide to Care

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