Warm water and dish detergent should be used to clean the surface. Soak the KONG in warm water and dish soap to release hard goodies such as dried peanut butter. To clean the inside of KONG, use an old bottle brush or toothbrush. Take the time to rinse fully.

Toys made with KONG Rubber are safe to wash in the dishwasher. Graphic depicting the steps to cleaning a KONG toy on a dishwasher rack. You can also use a chopstick to pry out any snacks lodged in KONG’s mouth with it. Make sure that you always have some spare stuffed KONGs available in the freezer so that you can use one while the dishwasher is running.

What is a kong? 

Snowman-shaped toy with a little hole in the middle and a huge one at the bottom is known as Kong. Dogs can be entertained and mentally stimulated by a plush Kong, which also provides an outlet for their energy. You can alleviate mild separation anxiety and boredom by handing your dog a stuffed Kong as you leave or hiding it for him to locate. Ensure that the stuffed Kongs you leave behind isn’t just associated with your departure by distributing them at random times.

It’s time to fill a Kong. It is important to buy a Kong large enough to stuff. Tiny pups get a little Kong toy; nevertheless, the majority of small dogs receive a medium-sized Kong; medium-sized dogs receive an XL Kong, and giant dogs receive an XL Kong. Larger dogs can even get an XL-sized collar. Anything that is safe for your dog to consume can be put inside a Kong.

Avoid giving your dog chocolate, onions, raisins, or spicy foods (such as hot sauce). Put a little peanut butter or a chewy treat in the little hole, then flip the Kong over. In order to challenge your dog, the filling should be well-packed but not so tightly crammed that your dog will quit halfway through. A biscuit protruding out of a large hole makes it easier for dogs who are new to Kongs to get started.

How to empty Kong?

Some KONG toys get “sticky” over time, even though they are clean and dry. A newer KONG may be necessary if your dog’s chewing habits have deteriorated enough to warrant the old one’s demise. It was an OCD issue with the stickiness that forced me to give up one of the 16 KONGs and other rubber-based stuffable dog toys I own.

It’s difficult to know which cleaning procedure is ideal for a given treat-dispensing dog toy because there are so many different shapes, sizes, and apertures. KONG Goodie Bone Dog Toys, for example, offer two wide apertures on each side that allow you to effortlessly clean your fingers regardless of finger size!

As a result, the ridges can be easily cleaned under warm running water. As with other toys, cleaning them may necessitate a variety of methods, such as brushing and running them through the dishwasher.

How to clean a kong?

 Even if a plush Kong is enjoyed by many dogs throughout the world, it’s no secret that their owners dislike discovering a half-eaten Kong under their couch, feeling increasingly agitated. Are easily one of our most FAQs, so we figured we’d dive into a blog post on the 

Step 1. Shake ‘er out

Go outside and take a picture with your camera by shaking it! It’s a good bet that even though your snuffle mat appears to be empty, there is still some food hiding someplace. Do a little shake and then go ahead and do something else. Run-through Look about you with your hands to see if there’s anything more you’ve missed.

Step 2. It’s time to soak now that all of the secret treasures have been uncovered

Soak the baby in cold water combined with some ice cubes in a tub, bucket, or basin. Pet-friendly detergents (some of our favorites below are some examples. Soak for at least an hour. As the soap is soaking, I like to run my hands between the folds to make sure it’s getting into all the crevices. Hard-to-reach areas. Using your showerhead, thoroughly rinse your snuffle mat of all detergent. Rinse-through). 

Step 3. Air dry.

The snuffle mat should be squeezed out of as much moisture as possible prior to air drying. To launder our snuffle mats, I prefer to use non-scented detergents (even better if they’re also dye-free). Amplify the scent of your laundry detergent to make it more pungent when it comes to your pooch!

How does a dog get food out of a kong? 

The KONG is a dishwasher-safe, nontoxic rubber toy with a hollow core. When loaded with food, a dog’s natural desire to chew and lick can be satisfied in a healthy way. KONGs are available in a wide range of sizes, from the tiniest to the largest. While some can be used by puppies with their first set of teeth, others can be used by more experienced chewers or dogs with powerful jaws. Every dog can find a KONG toy in the KONG catalog. 

Rather than relying on a bowl of free food, dogs were designed for hunting, scrounging, and gathering their own food. The lack of physical activity, problem-solving, and outdoor exploration and investigation can lead to behavioral issues in dogs.

When your dog is home alone, or you can’t play with him, you can give him some entertaining “work” to do. Dogs can earn their meals by completing food puzzles. These playthings can carry food or snacks and are often constructed of hard rubber or plastic. Typically, they have perforations on both sides or at the ends of the piece. In order to get the food out of a puzzle toy, the dog has to work at it.

How to clean food stuffed dog toys?

Every positive reinforcement dog trainer agrees on one thing: Dogs need a lot of mental stimulation every day. Kongs and other food-filled dog toys are an easy and effective way to keep your dog’s mind occupied throughout the day. Afterward, how do you remove all of the sticky residues from the dog toys’ cracks and crevices? Cleaning a Kong dog toy is easy when you follow these tips.

The popularity of canine enrichment toys is well-founded. A dog’s enthusiasm can be channeled into an acceptable pastime with the help of these toys. They can reduce the risk of a dog choking by slowing down their tendency to eat too quickly. Furthermore, there is evidence to show that dogs prefer to work for their food rather than simply eat from a dish.

Founded by Joe Markham after discovering his German Shepherd’s passion for a discarded rubber vehicle component, the Kong is one of the oldest enrichment toys on the market. To this day, the bright red and hollow beehive-like design of Markham’s original toy is immediately recognizable.

A Kong toy can be made to look like just about anything you can imagine these days, and there are as many ways to stuff a Kong as there are dog trainers. While Kong is a market leader in food-stuffed dog toys, several other companies have introduced new and fascinating food-puzzle toys to the market.

Our most recent favorite is the West Paw Toppl. For dogs who are turned off by the more difficult effort of removing food from the Kong, the broad opening of this toy is more attractive. These recommendations will help you cram the most fun and functionality into your dog’s food-unpacking toy, no matter what you use.

1. To begin with, make it as simple as possible for your dog to grab food out of the bowl

Your dog will lose interest if you make the contents of the Kong too difficult to unpack the first time you introduce him to a Kong filled with food. Add a small quantity of kibble and a few little favorite treats while your dog watches. Before giving your dog the Kong, give it a good jig. Gently wiggle the Kong around on the ground until a few rewards spill out.

Calmly praise your dog’s accomplishments as he plays with the toy. Begin by spreading some peanut butter, cream cheese, or canned dog food just inside the toy’s perimeter once your dog has figured out that moving the toy around will cause treats to fall out. Let him play with it while you hold and handle the toy for him. He’ll have no trouble getting his tongue around it. Then reload it and place it in front of him so he can try it on his own without assistance.

It’s okay to make the food-extraction challenge more difficult with each new food-stuffed toy that you give him, so long as he remains eager to keep trying. Add wet food or a combination of kibble and something like peanut butter or yogurt to the toy; these foods require licking and dropping the toy.

Food extraction can be made even more difficult by increasing the difficulty of the challenge: You can add a few large, irregularly shaped snacks (such as dry beef lung or giant pieces of biscuit) to kibble to make it more difficult to get the goodies out of your dog’s mouth. Make sure the toy is completely full before putting it away. Don’t be frightened to stuff as much as you can! Occasionally, I’ll use the back end of a butter knife to squeeze the toys together.

Make a bunch of food-stuffed toys ahead of time and store them in the freezer for a fun challenge or a refreshing treat on a hot day. Preparing many at once and freezing them means you’ll always have one on hand when you need it.

In order to keep the Kong toys upright in the freezer while they harden, you can place them in muffin tins, coffee cups, or ramekins. Train your dog to look for goodies and toys that are loaded with food, and then hide the treats and toys. In order to get the food-stuffed toys, you should put them in a cardboard box or a folded-up paper bag and urge your dog to do whatever it takes.

2. To keep your dog’s interest and curiosity piqued, try experimenting with different recipes

A food-dispensing toy can include anything that is safe for a dog to consume. Fresh fruits and vegetables, meat, cheese, yogurt, and even select leftovers from the fridge can all be used to make a nutritious meal for your dog. (Always start with minimal amounts of new meals to avoid digestive distress.) See the following “Kongcoctions” for some of my dog’s favorites.

3. If your dog is on a restricted diet or has to keep track of their calorie intake, you’ll want to make some alterations

Adding a few low-calorie snacks or nibbles that won’t cause an allergic reaction to your Westie or Labrador’s usual diet to their food-dispensing toys can help keep their weight in check.

Adding a nice treat to your dog’s regular kibble is an easy way to make it more appealing without adding too many calories. A small amount of peanut butter mixed with hot water can be used to coat the kibble before inserting it into a toy for your dog’s enjoyment.

4. Indulge in a soapy bath

It’s time to immerse the dog toy for a long period after removing the larger parts. Our dishwasher’s top rack was previously used to store dishwasher-safe toys that would eventually fade and develop cracks as a result of the excessive heat.

Our sink is now filled to the brim with hot water, and a generous amount of natural dishwashing liquid has been lavishly drizzled into it. After an hour of soaking in the water, you can remove your rubber Kong toys. Lifting and removing food from crevices will be easier with an extended soak. After a thorough soak, rinse each toy thoroughly, air dry, and re-stuff them with dog food.

5. Tactics for stuffing kong

Rubber Kong toys are ideally filled with sticky and gooey foods. Aside from the fact that the sticky nature of these foods helps retain the filling inside the toy, they can leave behind a foul residue that is nearly impossible to remove.

At the bottom or in the crevices, gummed-up food is most difficult to remove. A third of the way full of kibble keeps food from sticking to the bottom of your Kong. Afterward, fill the remaining two-thirds of the toy with a variety of spreads such as cream cheese or peanut butter. To extend the life of the food-stuffed dog toy, put it in the freezer.

6. Keep it tidy

To remove any leftover food particles, use a warm, soapy washcloth and an old toothbrush or bottle brush. Dishwasher-safe Kong and Toppl products are also available (just be sure to use the top rack!).

7. Make sure you get the correct size

Starting pups with the same size toys they’ll be using as adults ensure that outgrown toys won’t pose a choking threat in the future. For puppies and young dogs, I like to feed them with food-dispensing toys rather than a bowl almost exclusively.

The more time kids spend doing something safe, the more time I have for myself! In order to keep their food safe, they must choose a toy that is the proper size or a collection of toys that are the right size. If you’re feeding a different diet to your pet, this may require some trial and error (kibble, canned, rehydrated, commercial raw, or home-prepared).

Six sizes of classic Kongs are available, from extra small to extra large. Small and large Toppl can be combined to create a new challenge by inserting the smaller Toppl inside of the larger one (the dog has to separate them before he can start getting the food out).

Watch How to use a kong dog toy – 90% of behavior problems reduced | Video

People also ask questions and answers related to how to get peanut butter out of Kong?

is it possible to add actual peanut butter to Kong?

Almost any meal your dog enjoys can be stuffed into a KONG. In a KONG, mix some of his kibbles with canned dog food or cottage cheese and yogurt, peanut butter or mashed banana, or cottage cheese and canned pumpkin.

Is it possible for dogs to get peanut butter out of Kong?

How does the dog access the food in the Kong? Start with a small amount of kibble or peanut butter/cream cheese/yogurt smeared within, and work your way up from there. Make it more challenging by putting the peanut butter in an ice cube tray and freezing it for a few minutes.

In a Kong, how long does it take peanut butter to freeze?

Once frozen for 3-4 hours, remove it and run it under warm water for a few seconds to ensure their tongue doesn’t adhere to it. You can now give it to your dog. Before giving the stuffed Kong to your dog, be sure to freeze it for at least 24 hours.

The peanut butter in a Kong can be frozen?

Every few spoonfuls, gently tap the Kong to release the softened kibble. A teaspoon of peanut butter, cream cheese, or wet dog food can be added to the entrance of the Kong to help keep the kibble inside the container. Put the Kong in a freezer-safe zip-top bag. Serve straight from the freezer.

Where does a dog get so much peanut butter?

If you offer your dog a modest amount as a reward, he or she will enjoy it just as much. It is okay to begin by providing no more than 12 teaspoons of peanut butter every day to a small dog. A maximum of one teaspoon twice a day for a medium or large dog is recommended.


The joy of discovering the ideal dog toy for your pet is indescribable. As for KONG dog toys, we’ve found doggy perfection with these. As far as I can tell, it’s a one-way ticket. Those classic rubber KONG toys are great for rewarding good behavior in our dogs. In order to keep our dogs mentally stimulated and reward them at the same time, we’ve placed food in the center.

These toys must be cleaned. As a result, We must clean KONG toys just like we would a dog’s water or food bowl (Although it may seem obvious to you, we have a tendency to overlook the obvious.) The Kong Wobbler has taken over our home. There will always be days when I don’t have enough stuffed Kongs or didn’t prepare enough the night before, which is a bummer because I love them.

If you want to keep your dog busy, it’s important to give him or her chew toys (like bully sticks or elk antler chews) that will take him or her some time to finish Dog toys designed for aggressive chewers are a must if your pooch has a powerful mouth. Fortunately, Kong is one of those toys designed to withstand even the most ferocious chewers!

Bottom up

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Until the, Read about, How to Give Medication to a Dog That Bites in 4 Easy Ways?

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