While all dogs are devoted, Pitbull Terriers are infamous for following their owner’s every step. They are true companion animals who appreciate all types of attention. Because Pitbulls were raised to be companion animals, all Pitbull owners can relate to their clinging behavior.

But how much attention does a Pitbull need, and why are they so possessive? Examine more closely.

Do Pitbull require a lot of attention?

Why are pitbulls so clingy

Yes, Pitbulls are manic because of their clinging nature, and they are also prone to separation anxiety, meaning they dread being left alone for even little periods of time. Due to the fact that Pitbulls require so much attention, the following activities may be prohibitive:

  • You may not be able to leave your home.
  • When the doorbell rings, it may be impossible to keep them inside.
  • You may be unable to snuggle your partner or children.
  • They may prevent you from using the restroom without barking and scratching at the door.
  • If you don’t have doggy daycare, you might not be able to go to work from 9 to 5.
  • You may not be allowed to leave kids in the car while you rush into a store for a few minutes.

However, due to their moderate size, they are also transportable. Anxiety or boredom can result in harmful behavior if you leave your Pitbull alone at home for an extended amount of time.

If your professional or personal life is so chaotic that you cannot give the Pitbull the attention it demands, do not acquire one. The alternative is to consider acquiring many Pitbulls… Many owners believe that Pitbulls are most effective in pairs.

If your Pitbull seems possessive, you should consider getting him a companion.

Top 4 reasons why pitbulls are so clingy

While the majority of Pitbulls are possessive, their possessiveness can sometimes intensify and become more pronounced than typical.

1. Behavioral modification

For example, if you have started a new work or altered your home entry and exit times.

Pitbulls have been shown to become more possessive when a newcomer enters the household. It may be a baby, a visitor, or a new relationship that distracts them.

2. A shift in their environment

Rearranging to a new home, or even just moving their bed, may cause your Pitbull to feel uneasy, causing them to become even more dependent than before.

3. A variation in their health

Your Pitbull’s health may also be a contributing factor to their increased clinginess. For instance, if their vision or hearing has begun to decline and they have developed a scared disposition.

4. A loud sound or a hostile act

The stress of pyrotechnics or an aggressive encounter with another dog might induce the typical Pitbull dependence.

All dogs enjoy playing, and if your Pitbull lacks toys, he may become more dependent and clingier toward you.

Pitbulls have separation anxiety and cannot be left alone for longer than two hours. They may develop separation anxiety if this number is exceeded, but more on that later.

Clinginess vs. Separation anxiety in dogs; what is it?

Because the symptoms are similar, but not identical, clinginess and separation anxiety might appear to be extremely similar. When your pit bulls are removed from their owner, separation anxiety is common. This is their behavior when apart from their master. Your pitbull may exhibit anxious behaviors such as whimpering, destructive behavior, urinating and defecating in the house when left alone due to separation anxiety.

Separation anxiety can also lead to destructive behavior in your dog.

In contrast, a clingy pit bull always wants to be with you when you’re at home. They are unwilling to abandon you. However, kids do not become anxious when they are absent or at work.

The most visible distinction between separation anxiety and clinginess is that if your Pitbull is suffering from separation anxiety, they are more likely to fall asleep or get sluggish when you are absent, whereas if you are a clingy or velcro dog, they will not become sad or sluggish. When separation anxiety progresses, clinginess can also become problematic.

If your clingy dog gets extremely worried or anxious when left alone, it is necessary to focus on this type of behavior because it is time to suspect separation anxiety and immediately seek professional help.

How do pitbulls show affection to you?

Some of the most lovable canines you will ever meet are pit bulls. This makes them great as pets, service dogs, and emotional support animals. But how can you expect your Pitbull to be affectionate towards you, your family, and other people? Here are five ways in which Pitbulls show affection.

1. The tendency of Pitbulls to push their weight around extends to the manner in which they display affection.

The majority of Pitbulls appreciate being scratched while leaning against a human. Numerous Pitbulls like squeezing between your legs when standing or sliding under your legs while seated and placing their entire body weight on you.

2. Your Pitbull may lean so heavily on you

That they will topple over if you take a step backward; thus, alert your leaning Pitbull that you are about to move in order to prevent a fall.

Make sure you know how to care for your Pittie’s coat, as all of this leaning and hugging might cause excessive shedding.

3. Bounce for You

The typical Pitbull is indifferent to personal space. They will leap on you to get as near as possible to your face. Numerous Pitbulls demonstrate their affection by leaping at your face with their tongues out. When a Pitbull approaches, many individuals like to stoop so they can reach your face and smother you with affection without having to jump.

4. Pitbulls are one of the most licking breeds of dogs

The majority of Pitbulls are not deterred by a mild lick on the hand. They would rather wash your entire arm with their tongue. Pitbulls will lick your hands, legs, face, and hair, as well as everything else they can reach.

After a lengthy separation, many Pitbulls demonstrate their affection by licking you as much as possible. Pitbulls may also lick you repeatedly throughout the day to demonstrate their appreciation.

5. Flea bite

To display their affection, many Pitbulls may “flea bite,” or lightly nibble along your skin or hair. If you don’t know what they’re doing, it can be terrifying to see those large teeth against your flesh, but be assured that this is a display of love, affection, and a desire to groom you. Numerous Pitbulls alternately lick and bite fleas.

6. Behaving like one’s own shadow

If you can’t get any privacy from your Pitbull, even when you’re attempting to use the bathroom, your Pitbull is certainly displaying affection. Your Pitbull may appear to adore you so much that they cannot stand to be apart from you for even a moment.

7. Most Pitbulls desire more than just presence in a room

They desire maximal physical contact with you. You may observe that you frequently trip over your Pitbull or that your Pitbull frequently bumps into you. It is essential that you train your Pitbull from a young age to endure being apart from you to prevent separation anxiety.

8. Contented Groans and Grunts

Pitbulls are not referred to as the “pigs of the canine world” without cause. They frequently produce non-canine-like grunts, snorts, and a range of other noises. Pitbulls frequently groan and grunt, particularly when being petted. These sounds are a strong indication of affection and demonstrate the Pitbull’s utter joy at receiving care.

How to reduce clinginess in pitbulls?

1. Comprehend your Pit Bull Stay command

Practice the stay command if your Pitbull follows you into the kitchen or restroom. You can train your pit bulls to maintain a safe distance in the kitchen and restroom.

Start with the distances and gradually increase them. When a dog remains away from you or maintains a safe distance, you should lavish them with praise.

Reward them with food, but make sure they are high-value treats that will persuade them to stay.

2. Teach your pit bull to go to a certain site

 Always provide your pit bulls with their own sleeping, eating, and resting area.

To train your dog to use your bed or mat, you must always use his bed or mat.

3. Incorporate additional physical training and activities into your pit bull’s daily routine

Surely, you’ve heard that a dog that is tired is a good dog. Observing your pitbull following you also alerts you to the fact that your pitbull has sufficient energy to do so; therefore, why not employ this excess energy for additional exercise?

When your pitbull is physically active, he or she is significantly more likely to sleep and unwind at home. It is possible that he will not even notice you when you stand up since he will be so exhausted.

4. Engage in distance-based activities

Hide-and-seek, fetch, and chase games are all enjoyable distance-based games that can keep your tone occupied while reinforcing the fact that you are having fun at a distance.

5. Deconditioning over time

Commence immediately upon your Pit Bull’s arrival at home. Experiment with placing him in a defined location, instructing others to stay put, and then leaving the room. Return without catching the dog’s attention (no “Hello, pal!” or “Well done!”). Continue with this process, leaving the room for seconds at a time without causing a fuss.

Eventually, the dog will normalize his behavior and cease to experience separation anxiety. Gradually lengthen the dog’s time alone and increase the space between you and your pet. Once the dog is accustomed to your absence, begin by strolling outdoors, then around the block, or driving away. Your puppy will learn that it is acceptable for people to leave and that they will return if you progressively normalize the behavior of leaving the house.

6. Physical and mental stimulation

A weary dog is a happy dog. Dogs that are bored are prone to anxiety because they have a great deal of pent-up energy. Before leaving your Pit Bull alone, provide ample exercise to lessen the possibility of anxiety symptoms arising. Long walks or runs, fetching, training activities, and even providing them with a puzzle toy are all wonderful alternatives.

7. Grow the Pack

Last but not least, dogs are pack animals that want to have at least one friend. If another dog becomes a trustworthy pack member, your pet will experience less anxiety when you leave. Be mindful of a dog’s behavior and temperament before incorporating it into your group. To prevent aggravating an already difficult situation, see a professional.

Numerous effective approaches can be used to alleviate separation anxiety. Providing a joyful and stress-free environment for your pet may require effort and perseverance, but there is no greater reward than that. Kennel to Couch is a unique Pit Bull Advocacy program that includes a “Pitty Package” when one of their sponsored Pit Bulls is adopted.

This package includes a free training evaluation, training session, training equipment, and a free pet exam at Banfield Pet Hospitals. An excellent training program can help a dog adjust to a new home, but in extreme cases of anxiety, such as self-mutilation, you should immediately visit your veterinarian and a Canine Professional.

Why are pitbulls so affectionate?

Pitbulls may be very affectionate for a variety of reasons, including the following:

They have been bred to be resistant to bites. In the 1800s, pit bulls were bred to fight other canines and to kill rats in a ring. Because dog handlers needed to enter the ring to hold their dog without being bitten, pit bulls were bred to be even less prone to bite than most other dog breeds.

1. All-purpose staff

As their function evolved, pit bulls were utilized as all-purpose herders, farm dogs, therapy dogs, guard dogs, and even hog hunters in the United States. They worked with humans and grew close to the entire family as both a working dogs and a companion.

2. They may be grateful

Many Pitbulls that are currently utilized as companion animals were rescued from shelters. These dogs may have been treated with brutality or neglect in the past, and many owners claim that their pets realize that they have been saved and express their appreciation with love.

Watch 5 things you know if you own a pit bull | Video

Top 5 FAQs and answers related to Why are pitbulls so clingy

Do young Pitbulls require constant supervision?

Pit bulls are gifted athletes. Young Pitbulls require at least two hours of your time per day.

Do Pitbulls enjoy being the center of attention?

Pitbulls are affectionate and devoted companions. Pitbulls, like many other terrier dog breeds, crave the attention of their owners and family

Are American Pitbulls safe to be left alone?

Yes, American Pitbulls can be left alone if properly trained. Adults should not be left alone for more than four hours, and puppies should not be left alone for more than two.

How should you leave your Pitbull at home?

The best way to leave your dog at home safely is to incorporate it into his training routine.

How do Pitbulls express their affection?

Pitbulls show affection by leaning on you to get as close to you as possible, wagging their tail when they see someone or something they like, gazing into your eyes with loving eyes is another important sign, and they love to jump to give you kisses.


If you are looking for a dog that does not demand regular attention, a Pitbull is not for you. They are notoriously clingy and needy, and hence cannot be left alone at home.

A Pitbull is a wonderful choice if you want a friend who will be your life mate till the end.

But before you purchase one, please do your research. Pitbulls are notorious for having a range of health problems, some of which I will describe in the next blog postings.

Bottom up

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